Friday, August 17, 2007

Vickie Enkoff update

Short version:
Mom (Vickie Enkoff) died about 1 pm today, Aug 17, 2007. She went swiftly surrounded by her family. She asked us not to have a funeral- she wants only a celebration at the house. We would love to decorate the house with art from you that celebrates her life. Please send to Grady Enkoff, 14961 Valencia Ave, Fontana, CA 92335

Long version:

Dear friends,

As you have heard, my mother passed away today at about 1pm. She had been fighting with a muscle disease, polymyositis, for many years and had been in a wheel chair for about 4. Many people didn’t know this, because she did more stuff than the average person… running a business, moderating several yahoo groups, participating in lots of swaps, and acting as a mentor and friend to many people. The internet was a real community for her, and changed her life. The people she communicated with changed her life. I know she was a bright spot in many of yours, too.

Last night while getting in to bed, mom started having a hard time breathing. She told my dad to call 911, and told him she was going to die. She stopped breathing, and they did not get her breathing again until she got to the hospital 20 minutes later- a long oxygen deprivation. I flew in from Portland, OR, at 6am, and got to the hospital at 9. My sister, dad, aunt, uncle, and other friends stood around her bed and held her hands as her heart came to a slow stop at about 1pm today.

For a long time, her body has not kept up with her brain. She had recently decided to sell the stamp company, wanting to focus more time on writing and less on manufacturing. She made and sold zine, stamps, and other supplies. She built relationships with her customers and mentored other business owners, shared info generously.

Mom had a Masters in Psychology, worked in child protection many years, ran the stamp business for many. She is adored by her grandchildren. Kristofer, my 13yo son had a trip planned to come see her next week- I offered to have him come during my planned trip to CA next month, and he refused, saying he didn’t want to share her with me- they would read long science fiction novels together, and she smothered him with attention. Rain, my 6yo niece, has known she was an artist since she was 2, mostly because of her own box of art supplies stashed in mom’s art room, her own bound journals, and frequent art dates with my mom.

We are heartbroken, but also honoring mom’s request to celebrate her life. She did not want a funeral, wanted us only to have a party at the house. We want to decorate this party with art that celebrates her life. Please send your art to the address above.

We’d also like to keep the memorial wishes all in one place. Already I’ve printed out 12 pages of emails from those with warm thoughts. Please post condolence comments to my blog so I can share them with my family:

You can send flowers, and we’d appreciate that, but your art even more so.

We will process orders that are outstanding in the upcoming weeks. I hope to post an update to her website tomorrow, but I am sure that this email will travel across the net even faster, mom was well-connected.

Thanks for all your thoughts and warm wishes. We appreciate knowing the breadth of mom’s touch. When we are ready for a party, we will send the word out for locals.



  1. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Your Mom will be greatly missed.

  2. I am so sorry to hear of your loss, Melanie. You and your femily will be in my thoughts!

  3. Vickie was very special and will always hold a special place in my heart. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Vickie was such an inspiration in my life and all that crossed her path. My prayers and comfort for your family.Such a great mentor to all who knew her. Debbie House

  5. I was absolutely shocked when I read the message. Vickie made so many art contributions. I bought stamps and zines from her. Some of my favorite collage images are from Melanie Sage. I am so sorry for your family's loss. Even though we have never met, I so feel your loss.
    Belinda Spiwak

  6. Vickie has been a supportive presence during all my time online. She also has been an inspiration to me knowing that she continued to live an art-enriched life even while dealing with a body that was letting her down. Although I never met Vickie in person, I share in your sorrow, but know that she can create forever now.

  7. My prayers are with you and your family and all of the many other broken hearts that, like me, realized what a great woman Vickie was. She was such a comfort to others and a wonderful inspiration. I know she is well now and no longer trapped in a body that can slow her down.

  8. Anonymous10:54 PM

    I am so sorry to hear of your family's loss. I never got to meet Vickie in person, but "knew" her through online art groups, and had hoped to get to go to one of her art parties one day. She will be sorely missed by all of us.

  9. Much love and comfort for your family Melanie. May your celebration of your mom's life be filled with lovely memories. Vickie was wonderful and generous in sharing her encouragement and wisdom with artists everywhere.A truly beautiful heart. She will be greatly missed in the art community but may she inspire all of us to live life joyfully and help others wherever we can.

  10. Vickie was one of the most generous, supportive, creative individuals I have known. She touched so very many lives the world over through her art, stamps, and online groups. Her gentle encouragement and gladhearted celebration of other people's accomplishments made her a much-loved mentor. She will be missed as deeply as she is loved.
    Nona, in New Zealand

  11. My condolences; I was just starting to get to know her stamp line... wonderful images!

  12. Hiya,

    While I wasn't an active poster on the Organised Studio Community, I read it frequently, and was always struck by how caring and supportive Vickie was. She had kind, supportive words to say to everyone, genuinely meant, and I hope that the feelings of her online communities support you at this difficult time.

    My condolences,

    Heather (UK)

  13. aw, geez, melanie. i'm so sorry to hear this: i think i have an idea of how much you & kristofer loved her. i wish you & your family strength, hope & peace.

  14. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Vickie was an inspiration to so many of us with health challenges and other problems. She was so loving and caring, kind and gentle and her concern, advice and sweet nature will be missed greatly.
    Blessings to the family as you celebrate a sweet soul's life.
    jackie smith

  15. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Please pass on my condolences to your family Melanie. Your mother was a great mentor and a wonderful artist. She helped me to de-clutter my home a little too, although it's an ongoing process!
    Vickie will be sadly missed within the online stamping community.
    I hope you have a wonderful celebration with family and friends. I did the same thing when my mother died suddenly a couple of years ago. Love from Ann

  16. Hi Melanie,
    You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Your mum will be sadly missed by many people, but what a wonderful legacy she leaves.

    Rob Keogh in Australia.

  17. Anonymous3:48 AM

    My condolences to you and your family Melanie.

  18. Dearest Melanie and family,
    Please accept my condolences....Truly sorry for your great loss..your mother was a great inspiration for all who knew her in person or like me who only knew her from our online group. May God bless you and family.


  19. Anonymous4:54 AM

    I was on no mail on Creative Chaos, while on vacation and heard about Vicky's passing this morning on a Dutch Yahoo Group. I am shocked and can't imagine how you who are close to her, must feel. Please accept my condoleances and I will try to get artwork your way for the celebration of Vicky's incredible life.

  20. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Melanie - I was so shocked to read about your mom last night. I just recently joined her "organized studio" yahoo group and just received my first stamps from Creative Chaos not too long ago. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Marva

  21. Anonymous5:48 AM

    I first met Vickie on Ebay and then bought some of her stamps from creative chaos and some of your line melanie sage....She later joined a few other groups I am in...sadly I am to hear of her passing but I know she will always have the creative spirit in her and around us! My condolences to her family and all her friends....yes she will be graetly missed as her spirit lives on!

  22. Dear Melanie, Jennifer and Grady,

    I was shocked and saddened to learn this news. Seems like I just read several posts from Vickie just days ago.

    She was such a sweet person, a talented person, a generous person. I've had the pleasure of knowing her as a customer, list mom, and fellow rubberstamp maker for many years, but never the honor of meeting her in person.
    She will be greatly missed in your family and in ours (the rubber stamping community).

    -Fran (Frantic Stamper)

  23. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I didn't know Vickie personally, but I did know her through various Yahoo groups. She was a sweet, uplifting force. I am very saddened, and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  24. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Your mother was such a generous, and gracious woman. She will certainly be missed,and fondly remembered by all who knew her.

  25. The binds of the illiness has set you free!
    Let your soul soar your memory lives on with all those that loved you!
    Melanie and family your loss will always be felt but time does have a way of lessening your pain. Love and Light to you and your family!

  26. Vickie will be greatly missed by so many. It's difficult to accept her passing. My prayers are with her family during this very difficult time.

    Nancy Ward

  27. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Vickie's passing is a huge loss to the online art community, whose members have benefitted for many years from the resources and opportunities she provided.

    Melanie, your family is in my thoughts today.

  28. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Melanie and Family
    My heart and prayers go out to all of you. I know that Vickie was a dedicated mother, wife, grandmother, and friend. She was such an amazing person--full of talent, generosity, love, kindness and inspiration. She will be greatly missed in the art community.

    I consider myself very lucky to have known her, and to have had her as a friend. She was always up for anything, and no challenge seemed to great.

    lots of love sweet girl--I can only imagine how you are feeling right now.


  29. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I am saddened to hear of your Mom's sudden passing. Life is short and we must take advantage of the time we have. Your Mom certainly used her time to do good art, good work and be happily connected to family. I realized she had health issues, but she never dwelled on them (online); she kept moving forward.

    I didn't KNOW your Mom, but felt that she was part of the larger cyber world and I thank technology advancements for getting to "know" Vicki.

    Accept my artful hugs and let light and love surround you in this time of grieving.


  30. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I am so sorry to hear of Vickie's passing. She was a very special lady. Your whole family is in my thoughts and prayers.
    Priscilla Schrock

  31. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Melanie, I'm just now learning of your mom's death. I was shocked and so totally saddened. By now - a month later - I know it's getting harder and harder for you as you miss her more and more and so ache more and more. My prayers are with you and your family. Vicki was one of those people that you expected to be available always. I bought many a stamp from her and lurked in her organizedstudio group. Though I didn't know her, it's odd how much her passing has affected me. What a wonderful spirit she is.
    My love to you during this wretched time.
    Sally Turlington

  32. Vickie will be remembered by many as one of the most original, enthusiastic and generous people in the arts community. She will be missed. She's a unique voice that cannot be replaced.

    I had the good fortune to know her in real life as well as online, and I relied on her as someone who was always there with encouragement and common sense.

    I am deeply saddened right now, but I will always celebrate what Vickie brought to the arts community and to my own life as well.

  33. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I'm very sad to hear the news of your mom's passing. I have done business with her for years and her stamps are extra special now. Your family remains in my thoughts and prayers and may you be comforted to know that Vickie was loved by many...

  34. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Love and prayers to your family and huge extended friends. May the celebration of her life and her sweet memory be with you always.
    Vickie was a gifted person who will be missed on Earth! When my time comes and I go into the light, I will be looking for Vickie to greet me and take me to the art section!

  35. Your family and close friends are in my sad thoughts today. Knowing Vickie on-line as my generous cyber-friend has been a mainstay of my life for three years. I will so miss her generous, kind spirit!
    Pat Wiley Shafer

  36. Vickie was so very special and so very KIND, that I just know she will be an angel, ever watching over you and your family. She will be GREATLY missed in the art community. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  37. so sorry to hear the news. you and your family will be in my thoughts.

  38. Melanie, Jennifer, Grady
    (And Kris and Rain too!)
    Vickie will be missed by so many of the lives she touched through her generous heart, her warmth, and her art. Art was not something Vickie did, art was what she lived with every breath. She was a visionist, and a dreamer with a practical side. I admired her strenth. Even when her body rebelled, her mind was still creating and storing up ideas for the times when she had the strength. We who were fortunate to have known her in any capacity find our lives much richer for that.
    much love and prayers for all of you.
    Maripat Doyle Oberg

  39. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I am stunned and saddened by the news of Vickie's death. Having just lost my own mom recently, I know what a difficult time this is for you. I knew Vickie through Live Journal, swaps, orders, yahoo groups, and contests that she hosted. Her kindness will be so missed! Many hugs to all of you.

  40. Anonymous10:15 AM

    We are so sorry for your loss. We are keeping you close in our thoughts.
    -Linda and Karen

  41. I am so very sad at your Mom's passing. She helped me emotionally more times than I can remember. I never knew how sick she was. If I would have, I would have been there in heart to support her as much as she did me.
    She will be remembered by all of us who were customers and friends,
    I shall miss her dearly.
    In love and prayers, Susi Unupi

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Anonymous10:32 AM

    My Heart is heavy..and feels that it will break from sadness. I have had a "cyber friendship" with Vickie for 3 years, and was a frequent shopper with her. For quite a while, we corresponded via email. She shared her medical difficulties with me, as when I am not a rubber stamp artist, I am a full fledged RN. What a beautiful light she emitted. And, her offerings through her Creative Chaos line were 2nd to none. I will miss her wit, wisdom, strength, artistic talent, and her website. Her shoes will be very hard to fill. I wish the family peace, strength, and strong bonds in this very difficult time.

  44. I did not know your mother, but your elequent letter to all of us made me feel like I did. I am so sorry for your loss and my thouhts and prayers go out to you and your family.

  45. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I'm so sorry to hear of Vickie's passing. She was a wonderful, talented, kind and generous woman and will be long remembered.

  46. Dearest Melanie, my birthday sister- I am so SO sorry to hear of Vickie's passing- she was indeed an incredible vital, energetic and lovely force in our internet art community, and I know in your family's lives as well. She will be missed- and yet her wishes for a celebration seem so *Vickie!* love and condolences to you and all your family.
    Corinne (Stubson)

  47. Anonymous10:48 AM

    The Art world will suffer a loss. I am so sorry to hear of Vickie's passing. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family duing this difficult time.

    May the Guardian Angels be with you.

  48. I just recently *found* your mother and feel the loss even though I haven't had the blessing of time with her. What an amazing woman. May you all have peace and blessings during this time of transition.

  49. Melanie, my thoughts and good wishes are with you and your family. Vickie will be sorely missed, but she will always be remembered with love and respect, and that is more than what most of us can hope for.

    Sending you hugs, Adriane

  50. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Hi Melanie, I didn't know your mom but am a moderator on one the groups she belonged to. We have an album of some of her work, and from the first moment I saw her inchies, I was fascinated and intrigued.
    I also enjoyed her website and stamps and am wondering if someone will continue to sell her stamps perhaps to memorialize her somehow.
    Godspeed, Vickie.

  51. My sincerest condolences to you and the family.Your mother will be sorely missed by many....

  52. I'm Stef from Italy. I don't knew you mum, this is the first message on the list, I'm new on this list. But my heart is with you. Addio artista! ritorna sulla terra in un'altra vita, per continuare a creare. Stef

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. I'm Stef from Italy. I don't knew you mum, this is the first message on the list, I'm new on this list. But my heart is with you. Addio artista! ritorna sulla terra in un'altra vita, per continuare a creare. Stef

  55. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Vickie's Family and Friends
    Although sadness fills my heart I am comforted by the knowing that Vickie now has Peace. I pray that all of you may have a portion of that Peace that now nourishes her Soul.
    With love and caring
    Sharon Bryan
    Artists of the Round Table @yahoogroups member

  56. Oh, Melanie! I'm heartbroken to hear of your Mom's passing. Although I never had the pleasure of meeting her in person, we conversed many times by email. Vickie was an amazing woman who took great joy in her creative endeavours and did them with love and passion and a lot of talent. I know it kept her going when her body caused her so much pain.
    My thoughts are with you and your family as you struggle with these difficult times.
    Suzanne Cannon

  57. To Vickie's loving family: I'm so saddened by your loss. Vickie was such a bright and vibrant spirit in our art world. I hope that time passes quickly for you all so that the pain of loss is lessened. We will all always enjoy the beauty of her memory and the gift of herself that she gave to those whose lives she touched. She will always inspire us. Marilyn

  58. My thoughts and prayers are with your family as you celebrate Vickie's life. Her giving spirit will live on as the art community that knew and loved Vickie celebrate with you.

    Pam T in San Antonio

  59. I was so saddened to hear of Vickie's passing. She brought so much light to so many people's lives and was always a personal inspiration for me. She will be greatly missed by many, many people and I offer my heartfelt sympathy to her family.



  60. I'm very sad to hear the news of Vickie's passing. Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your wonderful, inspiring, spirited mother. She will be missed by many! Blessings be with you during this time.

  61. I met Vickie online almost a year ago when I was DX with IBM. My journey has had it's struggles and she honestly opened your heart and would share her journey. Her support on the group was never ending and she will be an angel to us all.

    My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

  62. My heart goes out to you and your family. I only knew your mother as a customer of her stamp business but I was always so impressed by how she made her internet business so personable. Her artistic spirit will live on through your family and the art supplies she created for her customers.

  63. Dear Melanie,
    I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Even though we've never met, I feel a special connection to you. My heart is with you. I know you are being bombarded with condolences right now, and that nothing can make things better. I lost my beloved mom almost four years ago and I miss her every day. For a long time, my soul was broken and my spirit shaken to the core. Coming to terms with the fact that no one would ever love me like my mother was shattering. After spending a long time in a dark tunnel just trying to put one foot in front of another, I finally have been able to "find the light at the end of the tunnel" and am finding life again. I am a recovering addict (17 years clean) and just could not let her loss destroy what I have accomplished in my life. I have found a way to keep the misery I still feel separated from the joy in my heart. Please know that I care for you and my heart and prayers are with you.
    Much love,
    Karen Rosselli
    ........and the anguish turned to joy without somehow ceasing to be anguish

  64. Dear Melanie and family,
    I was so very saddened to hear of Vickie's passing. I have never met her in person but we have written to each other for years and she has belonged to my yahoo Postcard Exchange group since 2002. I knew she suffered physically but you would never know it by her attitude. She was very strong, positive, and friendly and enjoyed receiving our art and sharing her art with us. She will be greatly missed. She had a lovely spirit and we are certainly better for knowing her. My deepest condolences to you and your family. Sandy Friel

  65. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I had an art trade with Vickie a while back... my Frida Kahlo fabric collages for some of her rubber. We shared the love and inspiration that we mutually had for Frida. I send the family my sincere condolences. She has now left the boundaries of this earthly life and has been set free to soar without pain.
    Janet Hofacker

  66. Vickie was well known and well loved by so many communities. She will be missed. Our deepest condolences for your loss.

    Sidelia Reyna and family.

  67. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Melanie, of course now I realize my error in reading the dates of this devastating news - it wasn't a month ago -- it was just YESTERDAY!! Now I am truly in shock. All there is left to say is -- I'm grieving along with the rest of you. Love and prayers for all - family and thousands of friends...
    we've lost an earthly angel. I will miss her as will everyone.

  68. my, what can i say... vickie helped me to get on a good path. it was more than just decluttering, it touched me deeply. your mum was a special person, that wont soon be forgotten i can promise you that. please treasure your memories. thanks for getting in touch with her cyber community.
    i am willing to either take over or help out with the organized studio group. i am thinking possibly zanna would like to do that, so i would love to be here for her to help. or if she doesnt want to do it...

  69. I feel very sad to learn that Vickie has left us. I had known her through Belle Papier for several years and purchased zines and other materials.
    She was so amazing to keep up such a business in spite of her illness.
    My mother died from the same disease.I did not know of anyone else with this condition until I learned Vickie also suffered with this illness.
    I send my thoughts and prayers to the family and it is wonderful to celebrate her life and art.

  70. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I am so shocked and sad by the news of Vickie's passing. Just the other day, I happily unpacked another order of her fine & unique stamps. She added a creative dimension to my stamping life unparalled by other stamp producers -- unique, charming, inspiring. And as I think about our limited correspondence and the warmth that came through her emails, if I had known her better, I would have found her to be likewise -- unique, charming, & inspiring. Although I never met her in person, I feel as if I've lost a kindred spirit artist friend. I am sad for your loss -- may God bless you all.

  71. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Vickie was one of my first supporters in this world of altered arts...8 years ago! She saw me through learning all kinds of art including my zine and her making some of my art words into rubber. I always enjoyed her brilliant sense of being happy and incredibly kind to others. She will be extremely missed.

  72. Oh Melanie,
    I absolutely loved and adored your Mom. She was one of the kindest, sweetest souls.
    I had to teach today and thought of her all day long. People in class even passed along their sympathies (as they had known Vickie from various yahoo groups). She will be much missed by many.

  73. Your mother was an inspiration to many an artist. She had a wonderful creative spirit and her art will live on through many an artist for many more years. She left this world the way anyone would ask for, surrounded by her loved ones. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this very sad time. We have all lost her much too soon.
    Cindy Roland

  74. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Vickie was a very special person to my Yahoo group and she will be missed a lot. Your family is in my prayers.

  75. Blessings to you and your family at this sad time Melanie. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
    Lynette NZ

  76. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I am shocked and saddened to learn of Vickie's passing. She was such an outgoing, energetic person that I never realized the true depth of her physical illness. She hid it well. May God bless and keep you and the rest of your family. Your mother will be dearly missed by all who knew her. Carol Westover aka Tehachap

  77. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Melanie (and Vicki, cause I know you're watching, and listening...)
    Your mom was wasn't just an inspiration with her art, and the way she shared it, or the articles she wrote, and the way she shared them, she inspired me the way she shared herself, her heart, her love and excitement for people, and art, her generosity, her spirit, even down to the way she ran her company...
    She will be missed .....
    Nancy in Hawaii

  78. Anonymous10:44 PM

    I was so shocked to learn of Vicki's passing but I know she now will be finally free of her pain.
    I am also one of Vicki's many customers,she also helped me organise my craftroom and was constantly a source of inspiration & motivation. please accept my condolances and I will be sending a special prayer your way.
    Vicki you will be hugely missed in the stamping fraternity.....
    Ellie in Australia

  79. Anonymous10:49 PM

    I am so saddened to hear of the loss of your mother. Have purchased some of her beautiful stamps in the past and will treasure them even more. You and your family are in my prayers.

  80. I'm so sorry to learn of your loss! Last year we had a short email correspondence that helped me sort out some things. Her spirit, talent, and generosity will be missed.
    Gail P.

  81. Melanie-I just heard about this on another blog. I still have goosebumps. THe very first UM stamps I ever bought were from Vicki. So so not fair. Hugs to you and family. I wish I were magic and could change it all.

  82. Melanie ~ Many hugs to you and your family ~ It is not easy to lose your Mom ~ it is one of the worst parts of life ~ But, yes, do celebrate her life as she wanted you to ~ she was quite a Lady and she is with you in "spirit" ~ Having lost most of my family, I do know what grieving feels like and it is a pain like no other ~ Take time to heal and enjoy each day as life is the gift which your Mom seemed to know ~ I knew her from the HMM yahoo group ~
    Hugs and Namaste,
    Carol McKenna

  83. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Deepest sympathy to you and your family and friends, Melanie. What an inspirational woman Vickie was, and what an inspirational life she showed us could be lived alongside difficult health challenges.
    Here's to the memory of one of Earth's wild women.

  84. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Melanie, I am so sorry. Just from the few times that we emailed each other over the years, it quickly became clear tht she was a very special lady, and I immediatley liked her. She also often spoke of you, and how proud she was of you for being such a good & giving person-you should know that. Again, I'm so very sorry for your loss.

  85. nline many years ago on the AJ yahoogroup. I've swapped art with her many times over the years and always admired her strong spirit and creativity. She will be sadly missed worldwide for her wonderful art, strong personality and thoughtfulness. Goodbye Vickie
    amber in England

  86. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Vickie has been my online friend for many years. It has brought me to tears to hear her spirit has moved on. It also brings me great joy to know she is in a much better place now, no more pain or tears. We will miss her very much.

  87. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Vickie and I grew close just the last few months when she trusted me with some of her innermost being, and I helped her look at the other components of her illnesses: the very early stuff when, despite our inability to sort through what's reasonable, we receive the directives on which we form our lives.

    Over the last few months, Vickie's attitude (one which she probably kept hidden from most people in her life)changed from despairing to positive and hopeful.

    I felt honored by her honesty and trust. She even believed there was a real possibility that she would walk again. I miss her more than I can express. Mai-Liis Peacock

  88. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Melanie -- I am so sorry as are so many others and will keep you and your family in prayers ... I wish I could say it will get better but having lost my mother a few years ago it is hard and every time you do something this first year it will be the first without her ... but remember that you are not alone -- not only with your close family and friends but also with so many friends on the web. I am fortunate to have "known" your mom through the groups and swaps and I am better for it. Take care

  89. I knew your Mom only through the Yahoo boards but could tell she was full of creative spirit. She will be missed by many. My prayers go out to comfort your family.

  90. You, your family and your friends are all in my thoughts and prayers. I know you and learned of your mom's work through and am so sorry to hear of your loss. Your Mom will be greatly missed.

  91. Has it only been two days since Vickie passed? I am so filled with love and loss for her. Every time I focus on my breathing, I am breathing for Vickie. We shared in a few online groups and I feel like I was just getting to know her. She had made so many optimistic intentions lately that I was sure it would all be all right soon. I think Vickie would be the first to tell us that "All is well" as she is finally at peace.
    I scattered a mix of calendula seeds around our property yesterday. Next year when they bloom, I will see a memory of Vickie in a golden light whichever direction my eyes wander. Golden is healing and I know she found that with the end of this lifetime and the beginning of the next great adventure. She will always be with us. We are all connected, past, present and future. We all matter. She mattered to me. I will miss her.
    Thank you, Melanie, for giving us a space where we can share our loss and assure a celebration of you mom's existence. She was such a lovely person.
    Sincerely, Pam

  92. I *so* very sorry for your family's loss. Your Mom was very special and it saddens me to know the art work has lost on of its shining stars. I was a mere aquantance, but knew her from the various yahoo groups and from one of the earlist groups I joined more than 6 or 7 years ago. She's always just been 'everywhere' and it's unbelievable to think she won't. I know her art and her spirit will live on with her family and friends.

  93. My deepest, heartfelt condolences to you and all your family, Melanie. Vickie was a tremendously courageous woman, a role model, and she will be missed. My prayers are with you at this difficult time.


  94. Oh, no, Melanie. I am so very sorry to hear about Vickie's passing. She was a talented, spirited woman loved by many, and she will be missed. My heart goes out to you.


  95. Dear Melanie and family:
    I am so saddened to learn of your mother's death. Vickie was truly an amazing woman and the world was graced by her charisma and her talents. She was one of the original members of our Belle Papier Salon, starting back in 2000, and through all the years I knew her I was so impressed with her incredible energy and optimistic spirit.
    Please know that many people loved and admired her and will miss her deeply in the arts community of the internet.
    I'm sure her spirit will live on in the hearts of us all.
    Love & Peace,
    LLoydene Cook
    Belle Papier ListMom

  96. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Your mom was a wonder. I first 'knew' her back in the very early days of the art journal idea, what must be nine, ten years at this point, on the very first artistjournals list. Kind, considerate, and a good person, she reched out to people with a warmth that folks will always remember.

    You and your family are in my family's prayers.

  97. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I am so sorry for your loss. Vickie was a wonderful woman. I had only met her through her business, but time after time, she was such a wonderful person to work with, and I always looked forward to corresponding with her. I did not know much about her other artistic ventures, but I know she was an immensely talented woman, just from her offerings. I will miss her very much. You and your family are in my prayers.

  98. Melanie,
    Just a note to say my thoughts are with you and your family as you deal with the loss of your mom. Although I wish I had known her longer, she touched me and influenced me significantly. I know she is making art right now with no limits! Again, my sincere condolences. If there is anything I can do, please let me know.

  99. Anonymous12:31 PM

    So sad, I've just gotten to know Vickie (through some swaps we managed) and I was looking forward to deepen the relationship. She will be in my thought for many years to come.

    My condolences to the whole and extended family.

  100. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Here's to the life of a wonderfully creative woman who I never had the pleasure of meeting in person, but whose lovely spirit I knew from TravelersHart and whose art graces my home through TH (and its precursor) art exhanges.
    My condolences to you and your family.

  101. Hi Melanie
    So sorry to hear about your mom. I only new her through our Byhand Yahoo Group and when I ordered supplies from her. I loved the artwork she posted. She'll be missed. Just know you and your family are in my thoughts.
    Take care Yogi

  102. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Your mom will be missed! I am a regular customer and always appreciated the fact that she had a way of making me feel valued, not matter how small the order. :) I know she was a very kind, caring person, even though we only 'talked' through on-line communication. My thoughts are with your entire family... Jodi V.

  103. Anonymous3:51 PM

    My sincere & heartfelt condolences to you & family. I didn't know Vickie but I had seen some of her art & know she was very gifted.
    Her art will live on & continue to enrich many lives.

  104. Vickie and I became internet friends about a year and a half ago, when she asked me to do some work in one of her zines... her positive attitude was always so inspiring! She always was so kind with her words and compliments. The world will miss her energy, and her spirit. I will miss her deeply. My heart goes out to your family. You are in my prayers.

  105. I am so sorry to hear of your loss, Melanie. My thoughts are with you and your family. Wishing you all lots of love and strength to get through this.
    take care, bri

  106. Dear Melanie & Family,
    I met Vickie via the Internet through the "Holy Moly Mackeroly" Yahoo Group. From there I joined a few of her personal Yahoo Groups, I want to say that all of my dealings with her via email "pleasant, easy going" & "very kind".
    One of her latest swaps involved "Frida Chunky" book swap...I am honored to have been able to join & participate (some how I managed to partake in this wonderful event)...upon receiving my book I took my time browsing through it & felt very moved & touched by the experience in holding this artwork in my hands.
    Vickie took time, care & energy to put a "fabulous book" together, I am forever greatful that I shared this experience with her & all the other ladies who participated in this incredible work of art.
    Jody from TorC, NM....thank you dear Vickie for being in my life, please family celebrate all the great energy that this lovely lady shared with everyone.

    6:41 PM

  107. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers go with you and your family. I found great strength and encouragement in your mother's groups and writting.

  108. Anonymous7:41 AM

    "The first day after a death, the new absence
    Is always the same; we should be careful

    Of each other, we should be kind
    While there is still time."
    --excerpt from "The Mower" by Philip Larkin

    I only knew Vicki through the art I received in various swaps over
    the years and through messages on the group boards. She was always kind. Blessings be upon you for having been part of her life.

  109. I am so sorry to hear of Vickie's death. I have known her for many years and considered her a close friend even though we had been out of touch in recent months. We became "Art Sisters" through a Yahoo group several years ago and became fast friends. She never ceased to amaze me with her positive attitude, her helpful advice and of course her talent. My love and prayers to all of you.

  110. To Vickie's Family,
    I was so sorry to hear of your loss. I only know of her through groups and her website. Just know you all are in my thoughts and prayers. Vickie will be greatly missed.
    Vix Thomas

  111. I am sorry to hear of your loss. In mY thoughts

  112. Melanie,
    I just now got the news of your Mom. I am so sorry to hear it and she will be very missed in our art community. i did not know her well but knew of her and had some exchanges regarding our Zines. She was a wonderfully creative woman and mentor to so many. I am sending my warmest wishes and thoughts to you and your family as this difficult time. I know Vicki's memory will live on forever in this community.


  113. Anonymous1:28 PM

    So sorry to hear this tragic news Melanie. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I was not lucky enough to meet your mum. She sounds like a great lady and a true inspiration to all. God bless.

  114. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I am so saddened by your mum's passing i did not know her personally but i have a friend that did and she told me of several times your mum was so kind to her.
    I wish you peace.

  115. Anonymous7:23 PM

    I was so shocked and saddened to hear of Vickie’s passing. I knew her for years through the Myositis list, before I became involved in my first art group. Through the urging of Vickie and Zanna I was introduced to the world of mixed media art and never turned back. I fondly recall Vickie being one of the first people to “critique” my first attempt at an ATC and she had nothing but positive things to say. She was a kind hearted, wonderful woman who will be sorely missed by many, many people. My only peace in her passing is that she is no longer physically suffering and confined to a wheelchair…her vibrant, artistic mind can now be matched with a restored body.

    Michelle <><

  116. I feel like some one just hit me REALLY hard in my heart. I was SO shocked to find out about your mom passing just now.

    There are no words.

    She was always so KIND to me! So encouraging. Always always wanted to include me and bring me in to all the art. Not once did I feel like a stranger over the internet, I felt like a welcomed friend every time we had contact.

    Oh I will miss her...and cherish the rubber I have from her! She was always so generous to me!!!
    I have to stop typing I just can't see anymore...too many tears.


  117. Anonymous11:02 AM

    sending my love and prayers to you and the family Melanie. I am so sorry. I knew your mom only through the internet and she (and you) were so helpful to me, a Canadian, when i first started buying art supplies via the web.Your mom was a beautiful, kind generous and talented lady and i feel your loss.

  118. Melanie, I know you and your mother in name only, but in passing by your blog and reading about your loss, I wanted to add my condolances.

    It is difficult watching someone you love so much leave this world, but I hope that in the small quiet moments in the days to come your mother will whisper softly to your heart and let you know all is well.

  119. To the loving family of Vickie -
    I only knew Vickie through the Myositis group and she was incredibly supportive to everyone. She will be sorely missed. But we all know that now she is free from her pain and illness. We know that she is dancing, singing and making art. My sincerest sympathies on your loss. Melita (San Francisco)

  120. So sorry to hear of your Mother's passing. I have visited the site many times and enjoyed all the wonderful art and stamps .

  121. Your letter is poignant Melanie, and beautifully written. Thank you for that, and for allowing us to share your grief. Vickie was a long and steady influence in the world of rubber stamping. Your precious mother will be ever-respected, and long remembered. Her passing is a huge loss to the entire creative community. Blessings, blessings to you and your family.

  122. Vickie was a passionate soul who never hesitated to share anything with anyone. No questions asked.

    When I heard of her passing, I was stunned, breathless, at a loss for words. What do to when such a vibrant spirit is suddenly gone?

    Please know that you are all in my prayers are this painful time.

    Wishing you all peace and healing

  123. Melanie & family,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I've been offline for a bit as I was moving, and just heard about it.

    I feel so blessed to have met Vickie (and Melanie) while I lived in Wrightwood, and to share their amazing art spirit in my studio as we created together. Melanie, you are your mom's legacy, as I'm sure is your sister. She lives on in you every time you create art. She was so proud of both of you.

    I wish you peace as you cope with her loss.

    Tera Leigh

  124. Melanie;
    I did not know your mom, although I certainly knew of her. How could one be in the rubber stamping/crafting world and not hear of the whirlwind of creativity and kindness that she was?
    I was so sad to learn recently that she has passed away and I wanted to send you my most sincere condolences. I wouldn't presume to say I know how you feel, only that I have some idea of the storm of emotions you might be feeling and the different ways grief can take form. What can I say other than that she loved and loves you and was so very, very lucky to have a daughter like you? Again, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. *hugs,* Mandy

  125. My heart missed a beat when I read that your dear mom had passed away. I met her online after ordering items from her - she was so helpful to me a novice!

    My thoughts are with you and ALL the family, your mom will live on in many ways, through her art and books and through the gratitude from all those who "met" her in the online community.
    God bless you all

  126. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I am so sorry to hear that your mother has passed away Melanie. Your mother will live on through her children and grandchildren and through the art that gave us all so much pleasure. May God be with you and your family at this most difficult time. Thanks you for sharing your sad news with us.

  127. I am so verry sorry to hear that Vicky passed away. Even when our contact was so little. A am just a customer. I her reactions I felt a warmness I so apreciated. I wish you and your family much strenght in bearing the loss.

  128. Dear Melanie ,
    I am so so sorry to hear of your loss . I was looking for The Gleaner zine on the internet and remembered Vickie used to sell them . She was so generous with her time and I had good memories of previous orders from her. Somehow she left a lasting impression on me and I hardly knew her .

  129. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Keep up the good work.
