Saturday, December 29, 2007

my sweeties

my 14yo son Kristofer
and my niece Rain
on Thanksgiving

We are all holding in through the holidays, although it is different and difficult without my mom here, she's like the glue that keeps everyone together. Sometimes I forget, and it dawns on me as I am thinking about how I should tell her about something I saw that I know she would like... and it's sad and unfair all over again.

I have been keeping myself busy, working too many hours, teaching, volunteering...
my sister got a new dog...
my dad is getting a new engine put in his truck.

Trying to put only good things out into the universe. Think happy thoughts.

Hope all my friends are well and that the New Year will bring joyful things.
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  1. glad to see you back, even if only briefly. warmest wishes for a more hopeful new year!

  2. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Hi Melanie
    I thought of your mom several times during the Holidays. I can only imagine how much you miss her...I just wanted to reach out and send you a big ole hug and let you know I was thinking about you.

    Miz Carla
    PS Mr Kristofer looks so handsome!!!

  3. Melanie - Just thought I'd pop by and drop you a line since you appeared magically on my blog and since you know gl! I'm sure our paths have crossed - but I can't figure out where yet . . . hmmm . . .
