Saturday, November 17, 2007

Today I took a photo class with my dear friend Joss. We both have the same cameras, so we took a continuing ed class as the local college that was just for learning how to use our make and model (Canon Rebel xti). I retained a tiny part of what we learned today, but it was fun. Of the highlights, I learned how to use settings that allow more light in to the photo so I don't have to use flash. I practiced my new skills with appature settings and F-stops on my most willing victim, Haley the Cat. The top picture is the old way--- everything on "auto" settings, which means bright flash that blinds the poor kitty kitty. The photo below is taken in the same dark room, but the AV is set a little higher, and the flash is OFF, the camera on program mode... so, the auto focus buzz is interesting to Haley, and no flash so she gets to keep her eyes open! :) Yay!
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  1. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Such a difference! She's looking kinda goofy in the first photo and beautiful in the second one! It looks like the class was totally worth it.
