Tuesday, August 19, 2008

29. Now this is the most pathetic breed of pines I have ever seen. It has no real form, and when it gets tall enough it grows up on to the roof and just lays there. I don't get it. I told Todd to tear it out but he doesn't want to because it's hiding the even uglier electric box. What is it?

30. Another unknown. This is in a group of medium-sized tallish (5 feet) plants. Not really a tree, more of a bush.

31. another unknown.

32. What are these things called? Stick-like with the feathery things at the end.
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  1. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Don't know most of your plants, but these looked familiar, so here are my best guesses.

    32. Looks like pampas grass ( http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/load/grasses/msg031757573154.html scroll down)

    40. Buddleia? http://www.flickr.com/photos/kingsbraegarden/1333008820/

    42. mallow, looks like http://www.watercress-net.org.uk/wildlife/images/MallowMusk.htm

    45. Mimosa http://www.flickr.com/photos/jefferson-heard/178494269/

    I can't believe it's been a year either, though I only knew your mother's work.

  2. Good reading thhis post
