Sunday, August 26, 2007

our memorial

Today we had our memorial celebration. It was lovely and mom would have loved it. I was really touched as I looked around at all the people in the room who considered my mother a second mom. It was so easy to feel this way in her home.

I put together a 24-page memorial zine, and it came out quite beautiful. Here are the friends and family assembling it in the art room.

We kept adding things to the shrine. If you are among the kind people who contributed to the flowers/donations Zanna was collecting, you'll see your flowers here in this picture. The extra money will be split between the cremation fees and the Village Free School non-profit.

During the celebration, we had our guests write notes on pieces of paper and tie them to helium balloons... many messages of love sent out to the universe. Seconds after we did this, a faint but clear rainbow appeared in the perfectly clear sky overhead. Coincidence? You decide. (can you see it in the middle of the picture, right above the tree line?)


  1. Hi Melanie - it looks like it was a wonderful celebration! Could you please email me about the business? Thanks, Marva

  2. have been on my mind no stop since your mom passed away. I am so sorry for your loss, and I think I understand what a whole it will leave. I am watching my mom lose her life to lung cancer. There are really no words I can say to give you any real comfort, but I am thinking of you.

  3. Your mom would be so pleased Melanie. I love that there was a rainbow, such a bright, shining tribute, so much love and energy.

  4. Anonymous7:36 PM

    That beautiful rainbow apparition is called a sun dog - and what a lovely thing to occur at that time.

    Here's some more about them ...

  5. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I am so sorry for your loss. Your mom sent me a personal note about using some stamps i purchased from her. i was so impressed with her kindness and dedication to art and artists. may peace come to your heart.
    jen salahshor
